Is your home worth more than the Zestimate?

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We are currently experiencing a CRAZY seller’s market. We often get asked by friends and family if Zestimates are correct. Since our market is favoring seller’s so heavily we wanted to see how accurate they are.

So we asked our social media followers to share the Zestimate value of their homes with us. In return we looked up what their homes are really worth in this market.

We did 26 of these, here are 9 of them:


1) Zestimate $491,000

Market value: $425k-$440k

Over 65k

2) Zestimate $491,000
Market value: $425k-$440k
Over 65k


3) Zestimate $212,330
Market value $215k-$225k
Fairly accurate

4) Zestimate $233,592
Market value $245-$250k
Under $12k


5) Zestimate $218,392 -
Market value $235-$240k
Under $17k

6) Zestimate $196,400
Market value $215-$220k
Under $19k


7) Zestimate $205,597
Market value $225,000
Under $25k

8) Zestimate $265,597
Market value $300,000
Under $34k

And the one we were most surprised by…

9) Zestimate $299,316 - Market value $335-$345k - This one is up almost $80k from when they bought 4 years ago! 😱

Bottom line:

We’re not trying to bash on Zestimates, we really believe they’re a great tool (in most neighborhoods) if you want to keep an eye on what’s happening in the market. But Zestimates are having a hard time keeping up with what’s happening in the marketplace.

The amount of equity people have in their homes right now is incredible. AND most aren’t even aware of it!

If you would like a more accurate value for your home we’re always just a message away!


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